View the worship service for December 17, 2023

December 17, 2023
Third Sunday of Advent: Love

Prelude—Nocturno, Op. 7  (Franz Strauss);  Allegro moderato from Horn Concerto No. 1 in C Minor (Franz Strauss)— Chris Miertschin, horn; Will Wiebe-Friesen, piano 

*Advent Candle Hymn—Hope Is a Candle, verses 1-3—VT 211

Advent Candle Lighting—Coralee Shenk, Jeanette & Steve Stucky

*Advent Litany—Love—VT 916

Welcome and Prayer—Esther Kreider Eash

*Hymn—O Come, O Come Immanuel—VT 210

Children’s Conversation—Esther Koontz

Anthem—Christmas is Here (Dale Wood)— Chancel Choir; Riley King, director;  Will Wiebe-Friesen, accompanist

Scripture Reading—John 1:1-9

*Hymn—The Light Shines in the Darkness—Bulletin insert

Adah Hodge, Mara Oswald, Lily Schloneger sing verses—Congregation sings chorus

Scripture Reading—I John 4:7-12

Sermon—God’s Love Revealed—Roger Neufeld Smith

*Hymn—Love Came Down at Christmas—VT 255

Prayers of God’s People

(Hymn Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord— VT 219)

*Hymn Love Has Come—VT 258


Postlude—Toccata on Joy to the World (Brenda Portman)—Will Wiebe-Friesen

* You are invited to stand

VT—Voices Together

Keyboard—Will Wiebe-Friesen

Audio visual—Frances Toews