View the worship service for June 18, 2023

June 18, 2023
Juneteenth Sunday

Prelude—Will Wiebe-Friesen

Christ Candle Lighting

Welcome and Prayer—Jim Juhnke

*Hymn—Praise with Joy the World’s Creator—VT 428

Children’s Conversation—Esther Koontz

Worship Music—Matt Schloneger

Land Acknowledgement—Valetta Seymour

Scripture Reading— Psalm 100; Exodus 19:2-9; Romans 5:1-8

Sermon—Lament and Celebration—Nathan Koontz

*Hymn of Response—Healer of Our Every Ill—VT 644

Prayers of God’s People

Commissioning of New Leaders—VT 965

*Hymn—Go, My Friends, in Grace—VT 810



* You are invited to stand

VT = Voices Together

Keyboard—Will Wiebe-Friesen

Audio visual—Francis Toews

Offertory at BCMC

As a way of acknowledging our offertory during our Sunday morning worship, the ushers will bring up the offertory trays to the communion table during the Hymn of Response. Then, as we have already been doing, the worship leader will give thanks for the offering during the Prayers of God’s People.

Florence B. Price (1887-1953) was an African American woman and a prolific composer of high quality keyboard, symphonic, and vocal music works that were only published long after her death, in the last 20 years.


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