View the worship service for January 22, 2023


January 22, 2023

Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday

Prelude— O, When Shall I See Jesus  (arr. Hustad);  The Kingsfold Trumpet  (arr. Fedak)— 

Will Wiebe-Friesen

Christ Candle Lighting

Welcome and Prayer—Doug Siemens

*Hymn—We Are People of God’s Peace—VT 797

Children’s Conversation—Glen Ediger

Anthem— Let All the World  (K. Lee Scott)—Chancel Choir; Riley King, director; Will Wiebe-Friesen, accompanist

Scripture Reading— Psalm 62:1-6; Luke 18:35-43 Jane Goering

Sermon—Anabaptist or Mennonite: Whose Choice? —Nathan Koontz

*Hymn—I Bind My Heart This Tide—VT 556

Prayers of God’s People

*Hymn—We, Your People, Sing Your Praises—VT 849

*Benediction—VT 850

Postlude— Wer nur den lieben Gott läßt walten (J.S. Bach)—Will Wiebe-Friesen

* You are invited to stand

VT = Voices Together

Audio visual— Ben Lichti

Pastor—Nathan Koontz

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