Christmas Day December 25, 2022
Sing for joy: Your God reigns
Prelude— Mark Kreider
Advent Candle Lighting—Rebecca, Aaron, and Theo Tschetter
*Hymn—Hark! the Herald Angels Sing—VT 247
Welcome—Matt Schloneger
Call to Worship
Leader: Sing and shout; how great is our God! The heavens praise your name; the earth proclaims your glory!
People: How beautiful are the feet on the mountain of those who bring good news.
Leader: Great is your peace, and great are your promises.
People: Your good news brings comfort to my soul. In my heart a new song cries out.
Leader: Sing hallelujah!
All: Our God reigns!
*Hymn—Oh, How Joyfully—VT 254
Hymn—Infant Holy, Infant Lowly—VT 243
Children’s Conversation—Esther Koontz
*Hymn— O Come, All Ye Faithful—VT 241
Piano Solo—Mark Kreider
Scripture Readings—Isaiah 52:7-10; John 1:1-14—Adah Hodge, Barb Koontz
Meditation—Nathan Koontz
*Hymn—In the Beginning—VT 270
Prayers of God’s People
*Hymn—Angels We Have Heard on High—VT 249
*Benediction—Nathan Koontz
Postlude—Verlene Garber
* You are invited to stand
VT = Voices Together
Audio visual—Ben Lichti
Pastor—Nathan Koontz