Church Board Special Meeting Minutes 2022 02 15

Church Board Minutes 2022 02 15
Special Meeting (via Zoom)

Bethel College Mennonite Church Board Minutes
Pending approval at the March 3, 2022 Board Meeting

Our faith in a God of love leads us, by the power of the Spirit, to follow Jesus in doing justice, loving mercy, and walking humbly with God.

Board Members Present: Elizabeth Schmidt (moderator), Ada Schmidt-Tieszen (moderator-elect), Glen Ediger, Judy Friesen, John Kliewer, Cynthia Linscheid, Lois Preheim, Adam Robb, Dale Schrag, Bill Swartley, Margaret Toews
Board Members not present:
Staff Present: Nathan Koontz (pastor), Todd Schlosser (interim pastor)
Staff not present: Renee Reimer (pastor)
Others attending: None

1.Welcome and Centering Prayer – Moderator Elizabeth Schmidt opened the meeting with

moments of reflective silence followed by a muted reading of #908 from Voices Together

2. Consider revised RFP –  Elizabeth presented the draft of the revised RFP which included additional questions the board is raising after the resignation announcement of Pastor Renee Reimer.  The RFP was approved by consensus.  Elizabeth will send the RFP to the two consultants who responded to our original request.  Adam suggested the board could approve a proposal using email to speed things along.

3. Consider also sending RFP to KIPCOR – The question was raised whether we should consider also sending our RFP to KIPCOR because it is local.  After discussion it was decided by consensus not to send an RFP to KIPCOR because of additional time it would take to receive and respond to their proposal.

4. Discuss Search Committee Formation – Discussion centered on whether to form a committee now or wait until some discussion with the consultant has happened.  Glen suggested that each board member make a list of 2 – 10 names of people to consider for the search committee.  Communication with the congregation about what steps the board is taking needs to happen soon.  Adam will write an update to share with the congregation.  Nathan mentioned the ways we have to communicate with the whole congregation include the Wednesday and Saturday emails, the Kin-dom Report on Sunday morning, or a special email for this purpose.  Consensus of the board was to wait until the consultation process has started before forming a search committee.

5. Executive Session – Entered at 7:50 and closed at 8:10.

6. The meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm.  Next meeting is March 3, 2022, at 7 pm.

Submitted by Margaret Toews, Clerk

Draft Church Board Minutes Special Meeting 2022 02 15.docx