Announcements for October 31-November 7, 2021

This week at BCMC
Monday, November 1
8–10 am Bethel College classes in the sanctuary
2–3 pm   Bethel College class in the sanctuary
7 pm       Facilities Committee Meeting in Fellowship Hall 
Tuesday, November 2
9–11 am  Community Playschool in playschool rooms
Wednesday November 3
8–10 am  Bethel College classes in the sanctuary
2–3 pm    Bethel College class in the sanctuary
6:45 pm    Menno Singers in Fellowship Hall
7:30 pm    Chancel Choir in Sanctuary
7 pm         Senior High Youth Group–Room 24
Thursday, November 4
9–11 am  Community Playschool in playschool rooms
6:30 pm    Chancel Bells in Room B7
7 pm         Church Board Meeting by Zoom
Friday, November 5
8–10 am Bethel College classes in the sanctuary
2–3 pm Bethel College class in the sanctuary
Saturday, November 6
Senior High Youth Group Retreat at Camp Mennoscah
Sunday, November 7–Stewardship Sunday
9:30 am Worship service in the sanctuary
10:30 am Faith Formation


The BCMC Adult Bell choir will begin rehearsing on Thursday Nov. 4, to prepare for worship music on Nov. 14 and Dec. 21. New or experienced ringers that are interested in being part of this group are invited to join. Ringers will meet in Rm B7 at 6:30 pm. 

Invitation to all 3rd through 8th Graders:
All are welcome to attend and join the upcoming Wednesday Evening Music-making of the Menno Singers in the Fellowship Hall from 6:45 – 7:30 pm beginning November 3. We will meet for 6 Wednesdays (November 3,10,17 and December 1, 8, 15) and participate in the Sunday morning Advent service on December 12. Come and bring friends! Virginia Mininger, Director.  Mary Ann Boschmann, Accompanist/Assistant. 

Chancel choir resumes on Wed, Nov 3, 7:30 pm (please note time due to Menno Ringers rehearsal time), with William Eash directing. Please contact Monica Lichti if you plan to participate.  Please note that all participants will be required to wear masks.

“Thinking of You”
The Deacons Commission is working on a “Thinking of You” campaign for people who are isolated due to COVID and other health concerns. For the next few Sundays, we will have a table at the back of the sanctuary with pages for your comments to members of our church whom we haven’t been able to see for a while. Please stop by and write a short greeting or sign your name to let them know we are thinking about them. For those of you who are unable to attend worship but can stop by the church during the week, these letters will be in the library during the week for anyone to write a note before we send them out. Thank you! -–Deacon Commission

Our speaker for peace Sunday was Mel Lehman, who works with Common Humanity. He talked about the Middle East and peace efforts there. One of the things he mentioned was exchanging Christmas cards. We have that opportunity.
We will be sending cards to Bethlehem Bible College in Bethlehem, Israel. Small or medium sized cards are recommended. Sign and then print you name. First name only or first and last initial are also fine. You may print a short message if you wish. There will be cards on a table in the gathering place for you to sign, if you wish. Address the card to “A friend in Bethlehem”.
All cards must be back in the church office by Sunday, November 14. Cards for us should be returned by Christmas.
Thank you. Witness Commission

BCMC Budget update: The church’s budget thermometer is pointing to critical.  At the end of September, we had an expense over income deficit of $32,895.  That’s an increase of $4,395 from August.  We need your help now.  Remember, we are in the final quarter and time is short.  Also remember that if you have required minimum distribution (RMD), you can direct it to the church, which is a charitable organization for income tax purposes.

October 24 Offering at BCMC:  General Fund $6,096.09; MCC Meat Canning $700; St Hi Youth $200; Living Stones $3,255; Women’s Fellowship $50.  

Please come check out the new books that have been added to our library!
We have a combination of nonfiction books, fiction, biography and one new Everybody Book. Something for everyone. Enjoy!          Tongue Tied by Sara Wenger Shenk
          What Do You Say to a Dragon? By Lexi Young Peck
          Taken at Birth by Jane Blasio
          Paris Dressmaker by Kristy Cambron
          The Sowing Season by Katie Powner
          When Thought and Prayers Aren’t Enough by Taylor S. Schumann
          Four Winds by Kristin Hannah
           Transforming the Bible and Lives of Transgender Christians by Austin Harke
          Twilight of Democracy by Anne Applebaum
          The World:  A Brief Introduction by Richard Haass


Meat Canning Days Are Coming
Mennonite Central Committee works to meet hunger, sanitation and education needs around the world.  One of the ways local people can help is at our yearly meat canning event.  This year it will be November 16 and 17 for Newton area churches at the MCC mid states building in North Newton. Please use the attached link to sign up to help.  Financial donations are also needed.  If you have questions, talk to your church’s MCC contact person (Lowell Stucky) or call the MCC office ((316) 283-2720).   Thanks.

BCMC and Faith Churches are committed to providing volunteers and meals for NEW HOPE SHELTER the week of November 3 to 9.  We are always in need of more volunteers.  Many who have served generously in the past are aging and we need replacements. Please consider offering your time and yourself to serve those among us who are in need of shelter until New Hope can help them move on to a more secure situation.  Contact Valetta Seymour if you have questions or feel ready to be a volunteer.

Fri., Oct. 29 – The “Voices Together” art exhibit, a display of the original artwork featured in the new Voices Together hymnal, opens in the Regier Art Gallery in Luyken Fine Arts Center at Bethel College. Gallery hours are 9 a.m.-5 p.m. weekdays and 2-4 p.m. on Sunday. IN ADDITION, Rachel Epp Buller, professor of visual arts and design at Bethel and gallery and exhibit coordinator, is available to church groups who would like to visit the exhibit on an evening or weekend outside regular hours. Contact her at to set up a time between Oct. 29-Nov. 19.

Sun., Oct. 31 – Bethel College fall choral showcase, “Bethel Sings,” featuring the Concert Choir, Women’s Ensemble, Woven and Open Road, 4 p.m.NOTE CHANGE OF LOCATION to the Administration Building steps (Memorial Hall in case of bad weather; Bethel’s current COVID-19 protocols require physical distancing and mask-wearing indoors for groups of 10 or more).

Fri., Nov. 5 – The Menno Simons Lecture Endowment, with the support of the Reimer-Boese Worship and the Arts Endowment, will bring Jan Kraybill, Kansas City, to the Bethel College campus for two lectures on the theme “This is Our Story, This is our Song: The Power of Music in Community.” “The Sound of Science” is at 11 a.m. in Memorial Hall as part of Bethel’s student convocation series. “Music and Memory, Meaning and Mission” is at 7 p.m. in Krehbiel Auditorium in Luyken Fine Arts Center. Livestream options will be available. Bethel’s current COVID-19 protocols require physical distancing and mask-wearing indoors for groups of 10 or more.

Fri., Nov. 5 – Reception for Menno Simons lecturer Jan Kraybill and the “Voices Together” exhibit (in the Regier Art Gallery in Luyken Fine Arts Center at Bethel College), following Kraybill’s lecture that begins at 7 p.m. in Krehbiel Auditorium, in the Fine Arts Center lobby. Bethel’s current COVID-19 protocols require physical distancing and mask-wearing indoors for groups of 10 or more.

Sat., Nov. 6 – Kauffman Museum first-Saturday bird walk, 8 a.m. start time in the museum parking lot at the corner of Main and 27th streets in North Newton. Experienced birders lead a walk of 1-1.5 hours in Chisholm Park and on Sand Creek Trail (terrain is mostly wood-chip path and sometimes uneven/sloping).

Tues., Nov. 9 – Bethel College’s Organ Recital Series returns in-person with Shirley Sprunger King, D.M.A., 7 p.m., in the Ad Building chapel. Chapel seating will be limited, and there will be a livestream option in Krehbiel Auditorium in Luyken Fine Arts Center. Bethel’s current COVID-19 protocols require physical distancing and mask-wearing indoors with groups of 10 or more.

Sun., Nov. 14 – KIPCOR Film Series: A Home Called Nebraska2 p.m.Krehbiel Auditorium in Luyken Fine Arts Center at Bethel College. Emily Haverkamp, an immigration and asylum lawyer from Wichita, will lead the discussion following the screening. Bethel’s current COVID-19 protocols require physical distancing and mask-wearing indoors with groups of 10 or more.

KIPCOR Film Series 2021-2022: Sunday, November 14, at 2:00 PM
“A Home Called Nebraska”
Film will be live and in-person in Krehbiel Auditorium in the Luyken Fine Arts Center on the campus of Bethel College.  Be sure to stay after the film for another audience discussion led by a topic expert.  As always, our films are free and open to the public.  “A Home Called Nebraska” tells the story of our midwestern neighbors to the north and the welcome, acceptance and friendship they extended to refugees in 2020 – all during a time of national anxiety and open bigotry.  Thanks to many Nebraskans’ generosity, these refugees who escaped war, torture and persecution continue to thrive and succeed today.
PLEASE NOTE that we will continue to follow Bethel College’s COVID-19 guidelines, which currently require everyone to wear masks indoors for groups of 10 or more, regardless of vaccination status.  You can find additional information HERE.  

Sunflower Performing Arts: Sunflower Soirée – Oct. 31, 3 p.m. at Hesston Mennonite Church.  Formerly known as Hesston-Bethel Performing Arts, Sunflower Performing Arts series will open with the first-ever Sunflower Soirée, a concert of local and regional artists that also promotes the season ahead and kicks off the organization’s annual patron drive. Free of charge, this event will feature the following artists: pianist Karen Schlabaugh; The Sunflower Trio; flautists Kristin Shaffer and Kenna Graber; guitarists Howard Glanton and Excier Rodriguez; soprano Holly Swartzendruber and pianist Karen Unruh; and musicians Ken Rodgers and Russell Adrian. Sunflower Performing Arts season tickets can be purchased or picked up at the concert. Tax-deductible donations can also be made to Sunflower Performing Arts during this time. Light refreshments will be served. Audience members are required to wear masks while inside the church, and the artists will wear masks when not performing.


Fall Scrapbook and Crafts Retreat is scheduled for November 5-7, at Camp Mennoscah!  Register at! There is only one Fall Scrapbook and Crafts Retreat. Lodging will be in the Retreat Center and cropping/crafting will be in the Main Camp dining hall. Space heaters will be available for both areas since the repairs for the furnaces will not be complete by the beginning of November.  Masks encouraged when inside.

Cleaning House!  Camp Mennoscah has cleared out years of accumulated objects from the two maintenance sheds.  The items are now in front of the maintenance shed.  We’re working to find a better place for them, but it will take some time. Keep your eyes open!  A small number of items will be sold.

Other events and happenings: 

  • Camp Mennoscah will be recruiting for 2022 summer staff on Nov. 8 at Hesston, Nov. 9 at Tabor, and November 10 at Bethel College with other Mennonite Camping Association camps. Tables are usually near the cafeteria doors. We’ll be there from mid-morning through lunch.
  • We are grateful for you!  We continue to get calls from volunteers and receive gifts of items off the Wish List. These items and projects help with the faith formation that happens at Camp Mennoscah.  The list has more wishes and there are more projects to do.  We can accommodate every group size, skill set and length of project you would like to tackle. Check out these ways to Get Involved! and support camp’s ministry.  Email or call 620-297-3290 to volunteer.  See the Wish List for other ways to support Camp Mennoscah!
  • Camp Mennoscah has openings for a part-time custodial/housekeeping position (10 hours) and a part-time office/administrative position (30 hours with benefits).  Some of the office/administrative tasks can be done from home.  Contact Olivia at for more information.
  • Camp Mennoscah is seeking a full-time Director of Development, Marketing & Communications to lead our ongoing operational and advancement needs. This position reports directly to the Board of Directors while taking directive from the Executive Director when related to operational considerations. As a member of a small, very hands-on staff, the role is expected to be highly collaborative. This professional must embrace the mission of Camp Mennoscah, have an established background in coordinating nonprofit donation strategies, possess strong written, interpersonal, leadership and relationship building skills, and work as an independent contributor with good organization and follow-through. Most of the work will commence off campus, however some in-person time at camp is required. This role involves organizing broad-based fundraising initiatives, advocating for Camp Mennoscah through speaking engagements, promotional materials, and social media, as well as recruiting volunteers, and building relationships with board members, donors and staff. Our ideal candidate will have a bachelor’s degree, a minimum of five years of fund development experience, or equivalent experience in church relations, and a passion for Camp Mennoscah. They should also be familiar with office related applications, and other technology used for communication and social media. Experience with CampBrain and the associated donor database is a plus. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled and early submission is encouraged. Please send application materials (resume, cover letter, references and salary requirements) to

Western District Conference
Western District Conference invites you to visit our website to read the latest news, stories and announcements and share them with your congregation!

Mennonite Central Committee Announcements

NEW Seek discipleship program for young adults: 
Seek is a new six-month intentional discipleship program from MCC which encourages young adults (18-20 years of age) to learn more deeply what it means to be an Anabaptist follower of Jesus. The program will include multiple discipleship and service opportunities with MCC partners in Palestine and Israel and Jordan. The Seek program begins in January 2022 and takes place in Palestine and Israel. To learn more and apply for the Seek program, visit

SALT applications are now open! Are you interested in learning a new language, visiting a new country, and joining a new community abroad? SALT applications are now open! Through SALT (young adults age 18-30), practice your skills in education, peace building, agriculture, community health care and more while connecting with the global Anabaptist community of faith. For more information, visit or contact Abby Endashaw, Young Adult Programs Coordinator at MCC Central States

MCC seeking SWAP Location Coordinators in Hindman, Kentucky: MCC Appalachia’s SWAP (Sharing With Appalachian People) program coordinates week-long service opportunities for young people and adults, to provide housing repair for low-income individuals and families. The Hindman Location Coordinators will plan and direct all aspects of the SWAP ministry in Hindman, Kentucky. MCC is also looking to connect with other ministries related to economic development and/or food security and would welcome location coordinators with these interests and backgrounds. Apply online for this opening by December 10 at For more information contact Amber Falcón at 574-534-4133 or

Mennonite Church USA Announcements
Mennonite Church USA is once again offering its free Advent at Home devotional. Written by Talashia Keim Yoder, pastor of Christian Formation at College Mennonite Church, Goshen, Indiana, the 2021 guide follows the theme of Leader magazine and is appropriate for all ages. Download your copy here.

If your family has recently experienced a birth, marriage or death, Mennonite Church USA (MC USA) Archives would like to preserve this information for free, through the new vital records form on the MC USA Archives website. Read more about how you can help the Archives memorialize your family history here:

Menno Snapshots
It can be easy for churches to self-segregate based on age, but when a church intentionally seeks out intergenerational faith formation, everyone benefits from richness that age diversity brings. Carrie Mast, in her blog “Faith for all — at the same time,” shares how her congregation has successfully engaged in intergenerational faith formation. Read her story here:

Menno Snapshots
When choosing which worship resources to include in the new hymnal, the Voices Together team chose to include many resources from before the Reformation. Learn why including these resources was important to the team and which resources predate the Reformation in Sarah Kathleen Johnson and Carl Bear’s blog, “Singing with the early and medieval church through ‘Voices Together.’” Menno Snapshots
When high school seniors graduate and head off to college, it can be difficult for their home church to stay connected with them. Andrea Wall, in her blog “Staying connected to your college students,” discusses some methods that she has used to stay connected with the college students from her congregation.

In his blog, “Transforming water,” Scott Hartman, Mennonite Church USA director of event planning, ponders the relationship between water’s transforming powers and his own ability to transform and be transformed throughout his faith formation journey. Read more here:

Would you like to receive monthly bulletin announcements from Mennonite Church USA? Get links to the latest news, blogs and resources by subscribing here.

Mennonite World Conference Info press here

Mennonite Mission Network News from Around the World press here

Mennonite Mission Network News and Beyond press here

Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request:  Jaden Hostetter, who is serving with Mennonite Mission Network and VMMissions, has started a ceramic studio for refugees who have been welcomed by the Quito Mennonite Church in Ecuador. Pray that, through creating art, participants will a find a space of healing and a place to build community.  

Western District Conference Prayer Request:  Give thanks for the generous financial gifts and prayers of WDC congregations and members to support conference ministries of sustaining ministers, resourcing congregations and encouraging church planting.