Church Board Minutes 2021 08 05
Bethel College Mennonite Church Board Minutes
Pending approval at Sept 2 2021 Board Meeting
Our faith in a God of love leads us, by the power of the Spirit, to follow Jesus
in doing justice, loving mercy, and walking humbly with God.
Board Members Present: Ada Schmidt-Tieszen (moderator-elect), Glen Ediger, Judy Friesen, John Kliewer, Lois Preheim, Adam Robb, Dale Schrag, Bill Swartley
Board Members not present: Elizabeth Schmidt (moderator), Cynthia Linscheid
Staff Present: Dawn Yoder Harms (pastor), Mike Claassen (financial manager)
Staff not present: Nathan Koontz (associate pastor), Renee Reimer (associate pastor)
Others attending: None
1.Welcome and Centering Prayer – Moderator elect Ada Schmidt-Tieszen led a prayer in unison adapted from Meditations for Meetings. She also led us in a brief remembrance of Moderator Elizabeth Schmidt’s mother who died earlier in the week. Board members expressed appreciation for Elizabeth’s work as moderator while simultaneously caring for her mother during her mother’s ill health.
2.Consent Agenda – Minutes of the June board meeting and pastors’ reports were approved by consensus.
3.Financial Report – July 2021 financial report (Mike Claassen). Adding to the written report, Mike verbally commented that he was pleasantly surprised at essentially financially breaking even year to date. Dale Schrag moved to approve the financial report. Judy Friesen seconded the motion. The motion was approved.
4.Funding for Abuse Prevention and Response (APR) Committee Action: APR Committee envisions future need for a budget line item, perhaps in the amount of $12,000, for a combination of educational expenses as well as a contingency fund to cover expenses in the event that professional case work is needed. Consensus during discussion emerged that the Church Board strongly supports the proposal and sees the need for funding for the APR Committee. Judy Friesen moved that APR proposal be sent to finance committee for further decision. Glen Ediger seconded the motion. The motion was approved.
5.Finance Committee Recommendation – split H&AC system in rm 5
Action: A late bid for the project came in a $4060, undercutting an earlier bid higher than $5000. The new bid by an acceptable bidder is under $5000, therefore the expense does not need board approval.
6.September 12 Congregational Meeting Planning – some preliminary discussion took place evaluating whether or not this should be a Zoom meeting. Preference is an in-person meeting in view of a congregational vote on the APR Policy, but a decision on that will be taken at a later date based in part on COVID-19 community status and counsel of the Reopening Committee. The following will be agenda items:
a) Report from APR Committee and Action – a congregational vote will be taken to adopt or reject the new APR policy with a simple majority deciding the outcome
b) Financial Report
c) Reopening Committee Report
d) Columbarium Report
7. Planning for Leadership Retreat – might be Zoom meeting – TBD. The date of September 25 was confirmed, but further arrangements were postponed due to the uncertainty of meeting in person vs. by Zoom. No further action was taken.
8. Inclusion Task Group – Wichita Pride Parade Participation – John Kliewer reported that the Inclusion Task Group is considering organizing BCMC participation in the September 26 Wichita Pride Parade and solicited comment from the Board. Comments were mixed ranging from “participation in a pride parade as a first major activity following SCN affiliation might be seen as too abrupt by some church members” to “this is exactly the kind of opportunity our family is looking for in the formation of our children”. Responding further to discussion about how such an activity might be received by the greater congregation, Dale Schrag reminded the board of the overwhelming positive numbers in the congregational vote to join SCN. Pastor Dawn reminded the Board that activities resulting from BCMC’s affiliation with SCN are naturally bound to be somewhat controversial at times.
9.Vacancy on SCRC – Appointment by board needed Cynthia Linscheid has agreed to recruit someone to serve on the SCRC. Suggestions should be sent her way.
Screen Study Committee Report: Bill Swartley reported that both engineering firms with whom the committee has been consulting have backed out of future involvement in the project largely due to the unworkable nature of finding a solution compatible with the BCMC sanctuary architecture. With this in mind as well as in view of what would be a very expensive project coupled with current congregational cultural flux and uncertainty taking place as a result of the COVID 19 pandemic, the committee has decided to table the project for the time being.
10.Church Board Member Vacancy: In view of Pat and Chuck Friesen relocating out of state, Pat has resigned her position on the Church Board. Moderator elect Ada Schmidt-Tieszen and other Board members expressed appreciation for Pat’s service as Board member and her work as clerk. Pat’s resignation creates the need for a new clerk. Dale Schrag is working to recruit someone for this position. John Kliewer will serve as temporary clerk.
11.Executive Session. Entered 8:10 pm. Closed at 8:19 pm.
12.Meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm. Next meeting: September 2, 2021.
Submitted by John Kliewer, Temporary Clerk