2024 09 15 worship service

Sunday, September 15, 9:30 a.m. Worship Service
We welcome David P. Gushee.  The BCMC Witness Commission invites you to this peace witness event around Peace Sunday today and tomorrow at Bethel College.  Our church along with the Bible and Religion Department of Bethel College and in collaboration with area churches invites you to engage with Christianity and Democracy led by well known author, academic, and presenter, David P. Gushee (https://davidpgushee.com).

September 15, 2024
Peace Sunday

Christ Candle Lighting

Centering Music—O God, Thou Faithful God (Peeters)          
Verlene Garber

Welcome & Prayer—Nathan Koontz

*Hymn—Come, Let Us All Unite to Sing—VT 7

Children’s Conversation—Joanna Harader

Worship Music—Barcarole op. 19, no. 5 (Gade)              
Abby Koontz

Scripture Reading—Romans 13:1-7; Genesis 1:26-27; Psalm 72:1-7;  Matthew 22:15-22

Darlene Dick, Roger Juhnke                                                                                

Sermon—Biblical Parameters for Thinking about Government—David P. Gushee

*Hymn—Let There Be Light—VT 714

Prayers of God’s People

*Hymn—Rain Down—VT 703


Postlude—Poco Vivace from Kleine Praludien und Intermezzi (Schroeder)
Verlene Garber

* You are invited to stand
VT—Voices Together